Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is characterized by intrusive and unwanted thoughts or impulses, referred to as obsessions, which prove challenging to dismiss, causing significant distress and recurring despite attempts to eliminate or neutralize them. For those affected by OCD, seemingly innocuous actions, such as turning a light switch on and off or repeatedly locking and unlocking a door, may appear trivial to outsiders but can be nightmarish for individuals grappling with the disorder.
The disorder also involves compulsive behaviors or routines, known as compulsions or rituals, aimed at alleviating the anxiety associated with obsessive thoughts. These compulsions vary among individuals, with manifestations such as checking, counting, or handwashing. While adults with OCD often recognize that their obsessions and compulsions lack logical coherence, exerting control over them remains challenging.
Compulsive routines in OCD can become so time-consuming that daily activities and tasks take significantly longer, leading many individuals to avoid certain activities altogether due to the overwhelming prospect of completing associated compulsions. Left untreated, OCD can profoundly interfere with various aspects of life, impacting family and social relationships, work or school performance, and the ability to concentrate on routine activities.
It is essential to recognize that OCD does not have to dictate one's life. Our experienced team specializes in treating patients to help them lead fulfilling lives. If you or a loved one may be grappling with OCD, we are here to assist. Please fill out the information box below to request an appointment with our psychiatrist.